Friday, May 13, 2011


I just finished watching Kick-Ass on Netflix. 
Having read the comic previously, I know why Hollywood picked up the movie rights.  It's a good story, well-written, and the art and layout of the comic make it an excellent candidate to get to the big screen.
I'm sitting here watching the credits roll, and I'm thinking that the movie interpretation was good, but in a different way.  They did exactly what I thought they would with Hit Girl and Big Daddy, and it came off well.  The main character was good, though the romantic interest storyline went down a bit differently than it did in print.
The action sequences were simply excellent, and unlike most fight scenes these days I didn't feel like they were designed to give me mild A.D.D. while establishing how much bigger badasses the characters are than anyone in real life could be.  Most surprising was the filmmakers' ability to add some pretty significant tension/suspense moments that I felt added a lot to the overall film.  Second most surprising was how contrived the ending seemed.  Now I realize I'm a Spoiled American Consumer and as awesome and as over-the-top as previous fight scenes had been, the finale had to be even moreso, but I felt that whatever budget was spent on the Final Gadget could have been better spent on more stuntmen, fake blood, and film.  I found myself wanting the end to be just as awesome as the previous fights but longer and with even more action-porn, if such a thing is possible.
I'll give it a 7 out of 10 for the amazing action and good direction/cinematography, and for following the original product *most*of the way through.

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